XYZ Vending Machines, LLC

Logo for XYZ Vending Machines, LLC

Are looking to contact the XYZ Vending company? Unfortunately, the company closed it's doors in mid 2009 and is NO LONGER in business. We have GREAT NEWS though! Factory original replacement and equipment are still available, click for details.

Here is a little history on the company as written by the founder Brian McCall:

XYZ Vending started out in Atlanta, Georgia as an extension of a bulk vending route of triple-vend machines and a few spiral gumball machines. After witnessing the rising costs of vending machines from equipment distributors and from the vending machine manufacturers, we decided to look into developing a vending machine of our own. After extensive research and testing equipment in actual locations, we developed and introduced our first machine, the Bulk-PRO triple head vending machine.

Having a low overhead and keeping product costs down has enabled XYZ Vending to offer the Bulk-PRO vending machine at half the price of other manufacturers. After we realized success with our Bulk-PRO, we started development on our single head vending machine, the Vend-PRO. Again, lower cost of production allowed XYZ Vending to sell the Vend-PRO at prices well below our competitors.

In 2005, we introduced the XYZ Vending Twister Spiral Vending Machine. This handsome Spiral gumball machine is 4” 10” tall and is comparable in quality and performance of similar spiral machines on the market but available at a much lower cost to vending route operators.

The purpose of XYZ Vending is to help vending route operators so that they spend less on vending equipment so they realize a quicker return on investment. Getting the quicker ROI will help vending route operators to put their money into expanding their routes. XYZ Vending continues to develop new bulk vending machines and plans to have one more new model for 2005.

The company's former contact information was:

XYZ Vending Machines, LLC
6185 Jimmy Carter Blvd
Suite E
Norcross,Georgia 30071

Please note the information above is NO longer valid.

The good news is we stock the complete line of replacement parts that are fully compatible with their machines. "How is this possible," you ask? Our parts and machines are made by the same factory that they used many years ago. We are your one-stop shop for coin mechanisms, lock and key sets, gumball wheels, candy wheels, and much more. Call us if you don't see the parts you need, we have the complete line in-stock.

Click to shop for XYZ Vending replacement parts.